Neck and Decollete Care isn’t Just for Ageing Skin!

Photo by Maria Lupan on Unsplash For many people, thoughts of taking care of their skin don’t begin until they actually start to see the signs of ageing. However, as the old saying goes “prevention is better than a cure” and using targeted skincare can really lengthen the youthfulness of …

Don’t Neglect Your Neck!

It’s all well and good following a strict regime of facial care, but if you’re not taking care of your neck and chest, the whole thing is pointless. Despite being one of the main areas to show signs of ageing, the neck is probably one of the more neglected areas, …

Get Bedtime Right with Our Nighttime Beauty Products

Photo by Sora Shimazaki Here at Pure Beauty, we find that people seem to fall into three categories; those of us who fall into bed without giving our faces a second thought, those of us who have a comprehensive nighttime beauty routine that we perform without fail and then there …

Invest in Yourself with These High-End Products

Image Source Investing in yourself means putting in the time, money, and energy into improving your life, but all too often, investing in ourselves falls low on our list of priorities and becomes something that we put off until we have more money, more time or more motivation. Investing in …

Five Ways That Menopause Can Affect Your Skin

Image Source As you’ll know if you’ve already reached the menopause, the changes that it has on your body go far beyond the end of your cycle. The majority of women experience symptoms such as mood swings, night sweats, and hot flushes, but some also notice changes in their skin. …